You can select from a voice tone from 10 pre-selected options. Send a voice note to your friend, colleague or family member on Fouad WhatsApp in a different voice tone, just like in WhatsApp Plus.

You can also set a video story beyond 30 seconds it will automatically set the next. This feature is a boon for those who want to save the memes and funny videos shared by their friends or families on their status. With the stories mod, you do not have to enable anything from the settings menu. You can change the themes, save/restore them, and share them with friends using any different modded WhatsApp application. Different themes are available, from dark to light colours, anime themes, technology themes, etc. You can customize the look and feel of Fouad WhatsApp according to your choice. Over here, you get more than 4000 themes available to download for free. You can set the icons to different colours, change the font, style, etc. You will like the addons like themes that increase the functionality of WhatsApp, and it also modifies the entire user interface of the application.

Once you get familiar with the features of Fouad WhatsApp, you will never look back at the official version of WhatsApp found on the Google Play Store. This feature is readily available for Xiaomi users, where they can create dual apps and use two WhatsApp accounts side-by-side on an Android-based smartphone.

Thanks to modded WhatsApp applications that have helped users install more than one smartphone account. Using multiple accounts of WhatsApp on a single device a few years back was not easy.